Friday, April 23, 2010

Mr. Graham is TARDY!!!

Well here we are at 40+ weeks! Yes, my due date has come and gone! I cannot believe that I am still pregnant. Due dates really suck. You look forward to this date, and it becomes etched in your mind for 10 months, only to get to that date and have NO signs of labor! I would like to change due dates to occur at the end of 42 weeks so that most women would have their babies early! I have learned that I am possibly the most impatient person I know, and this is perhaps why God has left the little guy in there for so long! I went to the doctor on Tuesday and of couse, I wasn't dilated, effaced, or dropped. I was really discouraged because I was having contractions in my back every 20 minutes for the past day, but unfortunately she thought it was just prelabor pains. The Dr. had already developed a plan for Graham's entrance into the world- I am to be induced on Tuesday (at 41 weeks) with Prostaglandins, followed by Pitocin first thing Wednesday morning. There is an increased risk of C-section because my cervix is unfavorable, and therefore the prostaglandins are supposed to help ripen me up! I am scared of the C-section route, partly because I have never even been in the hospital before, but I have forced myself to become ok with it just in case because I want my baby to be healthy. Thank goodness I have a Dr. who sincerely wants things to occur naturally, and said that she will do everything possible to avoid a c-section, as long as the health of the baby and myself remains great! Having an end in sight gives me a sense of peace that I have needed badly in the past month. I cannot believe that my sweet baby will be here in just a couple of days. On the upside, I feel great! Yesterday Eric and I went swimming which felt amazing to my tired body! I am going again this evening! I must admit, it was difficult stripping down to a tank top and little swim skirt (cannot fit into any of my suits lol) when little college co-eds were skipping around the pool in their bikinis. I even laughed to myself when I realized that as they sat there and sipped on their beers, they felt sorry for me and my cankles floating around in that water. Ahhh, those were the days haha! Just wait, I'll be a hottie again one day! I am so motivated to get my body back in shape.

I am super excited that yet another one of my Bham ladies is pregnant!!!!!! I love that Graham is going to have lots of buddies around his age to play with, and I will have lots of friends to relate to! Lesley's pregnancy is moving right along, she is 24 weeks and is looking absolutely adorable. Blakely Jewel is the prospective name for the little princess in her tummy, and we are so excited to get to meet and spoil her. Here is a pic of us last weekend grilling out at her house!

Last but not least, here is a 40 week belly pic of me. I have really enjoyed documenting everything about this pregnancy in photos and in this blog, and I am going to continue writing about life as a mommy so I hope y'all will still read! Thanks for all of the support and I will keep all of you posted on sweet baby Graham's arrival! Have a lovely weekend!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Belly Pics and A Little Whining

35 Weeks:

36 Weeks:

37 Weeks:

Finally, I found some time to post my belly pics for the past few weeks. I apologize that I am wearing the same thing in all three pics, but I REALLY enjoy putting on that outfit when I get home from work! I am getting rather large, and with large comes uncomfortable! I am ready to have this baby! REALLY ready! Unfortunately I am still not dilated at all! We had a Dr's appt and ultrasound last Thursday and Graham weigh 6lbs 14oz, and is head down, but isn't really getting serious about starting labor. We go back to the Dr. for our 38 week appt tomorrow so pray for progress!! This past month has been really trying on me, and my patience. If you are scared of what pregnancy does to your body then dont read any further because I am going to give some details! Seriously, the last month of pregnancy is by far the hardest. My body is so completely different than it was 9 months ago! My chubby little face looks like it is about to pop almost as badly as my sausage fingers and HUGE cankles. My humongous boobs look microscopic in comparison to the massive belly which is tatooed with streaks from my skin being maxed out. I cannot stand up without feeling like Graham is about to come out, and as a result have to run to the bathroom to avoid peeing all over myself. I never thought I would be seen in the "butt" isle at CVS, shopping for Tucks but that day has come and gone (TMI I know). I am sick and tired of googling 38-39 weeks pregnant to try and figure out the signs of labor and how to naturally bring on labor. Yes I am ready to have my body back. Yes, I am whining and complaining, but I really don't care about all of these issues. I really just want to meet him, and I want him to be a perfectly healthy little baby boy. Pregnancy is a crazy thing. God is in complete control, not me, and it is teaching me a valuable life lesson. I am so excited for Eric and I to fall in love with this new little human. Everyone keeps asking me if I am scared, and I really am not scared but anxious for the big day. Please pray for us as we go through this awesome yet crazy time!! I will update everyone on our progress after tomorrow's appt! Here is an awesome bible verse that makes me cry every time! Have a fab week!

Psalm 139:13-16
13-16 Oh yes, you shaped me first inside, then out; you formed me in my mother's womb. I thank you, High God—you're breathtaking! Body and soul, I am marvelously made! I worship in adoration—what a creation! You know me inside and out, you know every bone in my body; You know exactly how I was made, bit by bit, how I was sculpted from nothing into something. Like an open book, you watched me grow from conception to birth; all the stages of my life were spread out before you, The days of my life all prepared before I'd even lived one day.

About Me

My photo
Hi! My name is Rachel Corscadden. My husband, Eric, and I live in Homewood, Alabama with our two dogs, Hank and Paisley. We are expecting our first child in April 2010! We are truly blessed with wonderful families and friends and could not be any happier! Thanks for visiting!